
Büchi AG - büchiglasuster - 企业视频

Büchi AG - büchiglasuster - Corporate Video

观看我们的企业视频,了解更多关于Büchi AG的信息。Büchi AG来自瑞士,是世界领先的反应釜系统和中试车间制造商之一。

midiPilot® - 坚固的小型多用途玻璃反应釜

midiPilot® 是坚固的多用途玻璃反应釜,适用于小型反应。该反应釜系统的设计特点是可更换玻璃容器以及不同类型的搅拌器和挡板。


Buchi nutsche filters

Buchi nutsche filters

Smart filter designs for your laboratory, R&D and pilot plant. Including clean room versions. Easy and safe to use. Check out our nutsche filter portfolio in this video!

Filter reactors - Buchi FR 10, FR 30 & FR 50

Filter reactors - Buchi FR 10, FR 30 & FR 50

The Buchi Filter reactor combines reactor and nutsche filter in one apparatus and thus enables a wide range of different processes and applications, including cGMP API synthesis, peptide synthesis (peptide synthesizer) and cannabis extraction.

The filter reactors are available in 3 sizes, with reaction volumes of 10 liters, 30 liters and 50 liters. They feature a modular design that allows easy configuration to your specific process requirements.

HC过滤器 - 密闭排放的过滤装置

High containment filter (HC filter)

Büchi 高密闭nutsche过滤器可通过将固定手套(EPDM材质)擦拭到袋式系统中,从而实现密闭排放的可控过滤。过滤容器配有灵活而坚固的支架,可轻松升降和翻转。


  • 原料药/高活性原料药的密闭过滤
  • 滤饼洗涤
  • 在保护(惰性)气体下过滤
  • 密闭滤饼排放

uniclave - 实验室压力反应釜

uniclave - lab pressure reactor


kiloclave® - Pressure reactor for laboratory and pilot plant

kiloclave® - Pressure reactor for laboratory and pilot plant

The kiloclave® is used in hundreds of laboratories and pilot plants worldwide. This pressure reactor is characterized by the easy handling of various pressure vessels.

See for yourself and watch our latest video to see how easily different vessel sizes can be used in the same device - scale-up / scale-down - effortlessly from 0.5 to 20 liters. 

miniclave - 小型压力反应釜



tinyclave - small pressure reactor

tinyclave - small pressure reactor

This versatile laboratory autoclave gives you the flexibility to work with interchangeable pressure vessels in glass, steel or Hastelloy®. It is ideal for chemical research and enables a wide range of applications, including:

  • Syntheses
  • Hydrogenations 
  • Polymerizations
  • Catalyst screening

The tinyclave is a pressure reactor specifically designed for simple laboratory applications. 

miniclave inert - inert pressure reactor

miniclave inert - inert pressure reactor

This pressure reactor is versatile and can be operated with various interchangeable glass pressure vessels. Pressure reactions can be carried out safely thanks to integrated safety devices.

The miniclave inert can be heated using a bath thermostat. Typical applications for this reactor include hydrogenation, polymerization and catalyst testing.

novoclave - 实验室高压/高温反应釜(HPHT)

novoclave - high pressure reactor



压力反应釜中的氢化反应 - 可靠的气体定量给料即用解决方案

Hydrogenation in pressure reactors



公斤级实验室的自动化 - 应对挑战的解决方案

Automation in kilo labs



bds XA2适配器

bds XA2 adapter

bds XA2适配器用于在电脑上通过RS232/USB监控模拟信号。bds XA2的配置在bls软件中完成。


  • 将模拟压力传感器连接到电脑
  • 将任何2线制或3线制变送器连接到电脑
  • 将任何具有4-20 mA或0-10V输出的设备连接到电脑

bds XA3适配器现已上市。

PPR 平行压力反应釜

PPR Parallel Pressure Reactor

利用Buchi PPR平行压力反应釜系统,可以快速高效地进行氢化和催化试验。在本视频中,您将了解更多有关PPR平行压力反应釜系统的信息,并看到这种压力反应釜的操作有多么简单。


Standard control system


Buchi Pressflow Controller 2 - bpc 2 - 加氢控制器(英文)

Buchi Pressflow Controller 2 - bpc 2

柔性玻璃连接件buchiflex - 玻璃反应釜系统(英文)

buchiflex – 独特、柔性的玻璃连接件,适用于化工厂

