Büchi AG
Gschwaderstrasse 12
CH-8610 Uster
tel. +41 44 905 51 11
Global Network
Global reach – local competence
The maxim of our sales and services organization is “global reach – local competence”. We offer advice and service in accordance with local needs and requirements through our local offices and a widespread network of authorized distributors.
Büchi AG
Gschwaderstrasse 12
8610 Uster
8610 Uster
Suurmond BV
Noorderlaan 109
B-2030 Antwerpen
B-2030 Antwerpen
- Phone: +32 3 544 40 70
- Fax: +32 3 5444075
- info.be@suurmond.com
- https://www.suurmond.be/reactor-systems/
Fehérvári út 120
1116 Budapest
1116 Budapest
- Phone: +36 1 319 17 18
- Fax: +36 1 319 15 98
- office-hu@donaulab.com
- http://www.donaulab.hu/
DONAU LAB d.o.o. (LPP Group)
Tbilisijska ulica 85
SLO-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
SLO-1000 Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- Phone: +38 61 241 82 00
- Fax: +38 61 241 82 04
- office-si@donaulab.com
- http://www.donaulab.si/
DONAU LAB, s.r.o. (LPP Group)
Trebohostickà 14
CZ-100 00 Praha 10
CZ-100 00 Praha 10
Roland Carlberg Processystem AB
Fiskhamnsgatan 6A
S-414 58 Göteborg
S-414 58 Göteborg
- Phone: +46 31 85 04 60
- Fax: +46 31 85 04 61
- info@rcprocess.se
- http://www.rcprocess.se/
UAB Prolabas (LPP Group)
Kirtimu str. 2
LT-02300 Vilnius (Lithuania)
LT-02300 Vilnius (Lithuania)
Hitsaajankatu 4 C
FIN - 00810 Helsinki
FIN - 00810 Helsinki
- Phone: +358 10 666 2340
- Fax: +358 10 666 2341
- info@ditap.fi
- http://www.ditap.fi/
Optimus Instruments SARL
26 Boulevard des Nations
14540 Bourguébus
14540 Bourguébus
Ken Kimble & Co. (Reactor Vessels) Ltd.
85 Thomas Way
Lakesview International Business Park
CT3 4NH Hersden, Canterbury, Kent
Lakesview International Business Park
CT3 4NH Hersden, Canterbury, Kent
- Phone: +44 (0) 1227 710274
- Fax: +44 (0) 1227 258840
- web@kenkimble.co.uk
- http://www.kenkimble.com/
Fehérvári út 120
H-1116 Budapest
H-1116 Budapest
- Phone: +36 1 319 17 18
- Fax: +36 1 319 13 95
- office-hu@donaulab.com
- http://www.donaulab.hu/
Mason Technology
228 S Circular Rd, Saint Catherine's, Dublin 8, D08 DX8P
Via Ciniselli, 6/8/10
I-20019 Settimo Milanese
I-20019 Settimo Milanese
- Phone: +39 02 33500931
- Fax: +39 02 3282287
- info@achelit.it
- http://www.achelit.it/
UAB Prolabas (LPP Group)
Kirtimu str. 2
LT-02300 Vilnius (Lithuania)
LT-02300 Vilnius (Lithuania)
UAB Prolabas (LPP Group)
Lvivo g. 25
LT-09320 Vilnius
LT-09320 Vilnius
Suurmond BV
Voltweg 2
NL-8071 CZ Nunspeet
NL-8071 CZ Nunspeet
- Phone: +31 341 254900
- Fax: +31 341 258484
- info.nl@suurmond.com
- https://www.suurmond.nl/reactor-systems/
Nerliens Meszansky AS
Økernveien 121
NO-0579 Oslo
NO-0579 Oslo
- Phone: +47 22 66 65 00
- Fax: +47 22 66 65 01
- info@nmas.no
- http://www.nmas.no/
LPP Equipment Sp. z o.o.
Poznańska 563 B,
05-860 Święcice
05-860 Święcice
- Phone: +48 22 723 00 96
- Fax: +48 22 723 59 96
- info.pl@lpp-equipment.pl
- http://www.lpp-equipment.pl
Rua Nobrega de Sousa, 8F
1750-440 Lisboa
1750-440 Lisboa
- Phone: +351 210 993 616
- Fax: +351 300 013 180
- portugal@iberfluid.com
- https://www.iberfluid.com/es/portugal
Fehérvári út 120
H-1116 Budapest (Hungary)
H-1116 Budapest (Hungary)
- Phone: +36 1 319 17 18
- Fax: +36 1 319 13 95
- office-hu@donaulab.com
- http://www.donaulab.hu/
Antifasisticke borbe 32/5
RS-11070 Belgrad
RS-11070 Belgrad
- Phone: +38 11 212 93 93
- Fax: +38 11 214 78 05
- office@donaulab.rs
- http://www.donaulab.rs/
DONAU LAB, s.r.o. (LPP Group)
DONAU LAB d.o.o. (LPP Group)
Tbilisijska ulica 85
SLO-1000 Ljubljana
SLO-1000 Ljubljana
- Phone: +38 61 241 82 00
- Fax: +38 61 241 82 04
- office-si@donaulab.com
- http://www.donaulab.si/
Iberfluid instruments
C/ Botànica, 122
08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
Roland Carlberg Processystem AB
Fiskhamnsgatan 6A
S-414 58 Göteborg
S-414 58 Göteborg
- Phone: +46 31 85 04 60
- Fax: +46 31 85 04 61
- info@rcprocess.se
- http://www.rcprocess.se/
Büchi AG
Gschwaderstrasse 12
CH–8610 Uster
CH–8610 Uster
- Phone: +41 044 905 51 11
- Fax: +41 044 905 51 22
- buchi@buchiglas.com
- https://www.buchiglas.com
Donau Lab Ukraine
Стратегічне шосе, 16, оф. 301-302
UA-03028 Kiev
UA-03028 Kiev
- Phone: +38 044 229 1531
- Fax: +38 044 229 1530
- office@dlu.com.ua
- http://www.dlu.com.ua/
Atef Habib RIZK & Co.
12, Midan Saray EL Qubba
11331 Cairo
11331 Cairo
- Phone: +20 2 22584788
- Fax: +20 2 22588652
- info@arizk.com
- http://www.arizk.com/
Monitoring & Control Laboratories
P.O. Box 890226
2106 Johannesburg
2106 Johannesburg
- Phone: +27 11 327 6524
- Fax: +27 11 327 6530
- sales@moncon.co.za
- http://www.moncon.co.za/
DistriTech LLP
44 Jafar Jabbarli street
Caspian Plaza 2/4
1065 Baku
Caspian Plaza 2/4
1065 Baku
- Phone: +99 412 596 17 85
- Fax: +99 412 596 17 91
- info.az@dis-tritech.com
- http://www.dl.kz/
Buchiglas China Co., Ltd.
上海市宜山路1698号 805室
Room 805,
No. 1698 Yishan Road
201103 Shanghai
上海市宜山路1698号 805室
Room 805,
No. 1698 Yishan Road
201103 Shanghai
- Phone: +86 21 3462 7199
- Fax: +86 21 3462 7200
- mail@buchiglas.cn
- https://www.buchiglas.cn/cns/
BuchiGlas India Pvt. Ltd.
712, Centrum IT Park,
S. G. Barve Road, Opp. Raila Devi Lake,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane 400 604
S. G. Barve Road, Opp. Raila Devi Lake,
Wagle Industrial Estate,
Thane 400 604
PT. ITS Science Indonesia
Jl Boulevard Artha Gading,
Sentra Bisnis Blok A-64 No. 3&5
Kelapa Gading Barat
Jakarta Utara 14240
Sentra Bisnis Blok A-64 No. 3&5
Kelapa Gading Barat
Jakarta Utara 14240
- Phone: +62 21 4516222
- Fax: +62 21 451 6223
- info@its-indonesia.com
- http://www.its-indonesia.com/
Petrus Technical Supplies Ltd.
76 Medinat Hayehudim St.
POB 2056
46120 Herzelia Pituach
POB 2056
46120 Herzelia Pituach
- Phone: +972 9 9587670
- Fax: +972 9 9587726
- ariel@petrus.co.il
- http://www.petrus.co.il/
Julabo Japan Co. Ltd.
1-3-17 Technostage
Izumi, 594-1144
Izumi, 594-1144
- Phone: +81 725 51 3401
- Fax: +81 725 51 3411
- osaka@julabo-japan.co.jp
- http://www.julabo-japan.co.jp/
DistriTech LLP
17/1 Al-Farabi ave., office 13
Business center "Nurly-Tau"
block 5B, 12 floor
Almaty, 050059
Business center "Nurly-Tau"
block 5B, 12 floor
Almaty, 050059
- Phone: +7 727 228 06 44
- Fax: +7 727 228 06 46
- info@distritech.kz
- http://www.dl.kz/
DistriTech LLP
19 Razzakov str.
office 1205, Business center "Russia"
Bishkek, 720040
office 1205, Business center "Russia"
Bishkek, 720040
- Phone: +996 312 39 82 71
- Fax: +996 312 39 82 72
- info.kg@dis-tritech.com
- http://www.dl.kz/
Well E&C Co., Ltd.
(for glass reactor systems)
#52-60, Saemaran-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi-Do
18298 Korea
#52-60, Saemaran-gil, Bongdam-eup, Hwaseong City, Gyeonggi-Do
18298 Korea
- Phone: +82 31 4265316
- Fax: +82 31 4265317
- wellcorp@wellcorp.co.kr
- http://www.wellcorp.co.kr/
Julabo Korea Co. Ltd.
(for autoclaves)
#407, New T-Castle, 429-1
153-803 Seoul
#407, New T-Castle, 429-1
153-803 Seoul
- Phone: +82 2 6277 3700
- Fax: +82 2 6277 3701
- info@julabo-korea.co.kr
- http://www.julabo-korea.co.kr/
ITS Malaysia Interscience Sdn. Bhd.
2, Jalan Sungai Kayu Ara 32/38
Berjaya Industrial Park
40460 Shah Alam
Berjaya Industrial Park
40460 Shah Alam
- Phone: +603 - 5740 9888
- Fax: +603 - 5740 9866
- info@its-interscience.com
- http://www.its-interscience.com/
West Land Trade Center
Suite 615 B, 6th Floor C/5
Block 7 & 8
Commercial Area, K.C.H.S
Shaheed-e-Millat Road
74800 Karachi
Suite 615 B, 6th Floor C/5
Block 7 & 8
Commercial Area, K.C.H.S
Shaheed-e-Millat Road
74800 Karachi
- Phone: +92 21 432 55 86
- Fax: +92 21 432 55 85
- info@qtech.com.pk
- http://www.qtech.com.pk/
ITS Science (Phils.) Inc.
3434-C, C, Raymundo Ave.,
Rosario, Metro Manila
1609 Pasig City
Rosario, Metro Manila
1609 Pasig City
- Phone: +632 640 1363
- Fax: +632 641 3186
- info@its-sciencephils.com
- http://www.its-sciencephils.com/
Kou Fua Technology Co., Ltd.
505 Kwang Fu South Road
505 Kwang Fu South Road
- Phone: +886 2 27589301
- Fax: +886 2 27580782
- mail@koufua.com.tw
- http://www.koufua.com.tw/
Panjawit Controls Co., Ltd.
1558/34 Ban Klang Krung Village
Bangna-Trad Rd. Km.3, Bangna, Bagna
10260 Bangkok
Bangna-Trad Rd. Km.3, Bangna, Bagna
10260 Bangkok
- Phone: +66-2182-0030
- Fax: +66-2182-0033
- thanarit@panjawit-controls.co.th
- http://www.panjawit-controls.co.th/
LLC DistriTech Central Asia
4b, Afrosiab str.
Mirabad dist.
office 205A, Business-center "Asrtec"
Tashkent, 100015
Mirabad dist.
office 205A, Business-center "Asrtec"
Tashkent, 100015
- Phone: +998 71 150 48 81
- Fax: +998 71 150 48 83
- info.uz@dis-tritech.com
- http://www.dl.kz/
Van Nam Integr. Techn. Science Co.
Room E35
40 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan str.
District 3
Ho Chi Minh City
40 Ba Huyen Thanh Quan str.
District 3
Ho Chi Minh City
- Phone: +84-28-3930 6774
- Fax: +84-8-39330 924
- info@its-vn.com
- http://www.its-vietnam.com/
Büchi AG
Gschwaderstrass 12
8610 Uster
8610 Uster
Rocket Science Group
P.O. Box 48038
5142 Wellington
5142 Wellington
- Phone: +64 (4) 9777 197
- Fax: +64 (4) 9777 197
- mikefishernz@gmail.com
Buchiglas USA Corp
80 Bridge Rd,
Islandia, NY 11749
Islandia, NY 11749
- Phone: +1 631 912 2300
- Fax: +1 631 393 2918
- info@buchiglas-usa.com
- https://www.buchiglas.com/en-us/index.html
Buchiglas USA Corp
80 Bridge Rd,
Islandia, NY 11749
Islandia, NY 11749
- Phone: +1 631 912 2300
- Fax: +1 631 393 2918
- info@buchiglas-usa.com
- https://www.buchiglas.com/en-us/index.html
Buchiglas USA Corp
- Phone: +1 631 912 2300
- Fax: +1 631 393 2918
- info@buchiglas-usa.com
- https://www.buchiglas.com/en-us/
Quiteba S.A
Diagonal Bolivia 186 - (B1651BBB)
San Andrés -Pcia. de Buenos Aires
San Andrés -Pcia. de Buenos Aires
- Phone: +(54-11) 4755-3500
- Fax: +(54-11) 4755-3500
- info@quiteba.com
- http://www.quiteba.com/
Everlab - Produtos para Laboratórios
Rua Brasílio Rodrigues
Vila Junqueira
Santo André-SP
CEP: 09172-610
Vila Junqueira
Santo André-SP
CEP: 09172-610
- Phone: +55 (11) 4901 3926
- Fax: +55 (11) 9868 15859
- everlab@everlab.com.br
- http://www.everlab.com.br/
Cenatec C.A.
Av. Sucre
Los Dos Caminos
Torre Centre Boyacà Piso 23
Los Dos Caminos
Torre Centre Boyacà Piso 23
- Phone: +58 212 284 1110
- Fax: +58 212 285 8803
- salescenatec@cantv.net
C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik GmbH
Peter-Henlein-Strasse 20
D-85540 Haar (bei München)
D-85540 Haar (bei München)
- Phone: +49 89 456 00 670
- Fax: +49 89 456 00 680
- info(at)c3-analysentechnik.de
- http://www.c3-analysentechnik.de/
C3 Prozess- und Analysentechnik GmbH
Peter-Henlein-Strasse 20
D-85540 Haar (bei München)
D-85540 Haar (bei München)
- Phone: +49 89 456 00 670
- Fax: +49 89 456 00 680
- info(at)c3-analysentechnik.de
- http://www.c3-analysentechnik.de/
BuchiGlas India - Bangalore office
606 / 607, Parmeshwari Centre,
Madan Mohan Malvia Road,
Near Mulund Telephone Exchange,
Mulund (West)
400 080 Mumbai
606 / 607, Parmeshwari Centre,
Madan Mohan Malvia Road,
Near Mulund Telephone Exchange,
Mulund (West)
400 080 Mumbai
- Phone: +91 22 2568 9450
- Fax: +91 22 2568 9452
- info@buchiglas.in
- http://www.buchiglas.in/en-in/index.html
Buchiglas India - Delhi Office
606 / 607, Parmeshwari Centre,
Madan Mohan Malvia Road,
Near Mulund Telephone Exchange,
Mulund (West)
400 080 Mumbai
606 / 607, Parmeshwari Centre,
Madan Mohan Malvia Road,
Near Mulund Telephone Exchange,
Mulund (West)
400 080 Mumbai
1Supplier Pte Ltd
20 Ayer Rajah Crescent,
#08-03 Technopreneur Centre.
#08-03 Technopreneur Centre.
- Phone: +65 6316 5120
- Fax: +65 6316 5121
- info@1supplier.com.sg
- http://www.1supplier.com.sg
DistriTech LLP
8 Khoroo
Sukhbaatar dist.
room 604, Business center "Sonor"
Ulaanbaatar, 11000
Sukhbaatar dist.
room 604, Business center "Sonor"
Ulaanbaatar, 11000
- Phone: +976 771 10 117
- Fax: +976 771 10 117
- info.mng@dis-tritech.com
- http://www.dl.kz/
DistriTech LLP Branch Ashgabad
17/1 Al-Farabi ave., office 13
Business center "Nurly-Tau"
block 5B, 12 floor
Almaty, 050059
Business center "Nurly-Tau"
block 5B, 12 floor
Almaty, 050059
- Phone: +7 727 228 06 44
- Fax: +7 727 228 06 46
- info@distritech.kz
- http://www.dl.kz/
DistriTech LLP Branch Astana
8/2 Turkestan str.
VP-4, Business center "Olymp palace"
Astana, 010000
VP-4, Business center "Olymp palace"
Astana, 010000
- Phone: +7 717 247 27 24
- Fax: +7 717 247 27 26
- info@distritech.kz
- http://www.dl.kz/
Pars Analitik Kimya ve Endüstriyel Cihazlar İth. İhr. Ltd. Şti
Cevizli, Bulut Plaza A Blok No:12/18 Kat: 5 D:40-41-42, Tansel Cd., 34846 Maltepe/İstanbul
Buchiglas USA Corp
80 Bridge Rd,
Islandia, NY 11749
Islandia, NY 11749
- Phone: +1 631 912 2300
- Fax: +1 631 393 2918
- info@buchiglas-usa.com
- https://www.buchiglas.com/en-us/contact/buchiglas-usa.html
Alfa Analytical Instruments
Danais 4
Gerakas 153 44
Gerakas 153 44
- Phone: +30 210 9531764-5
- Fax: +30 210 9516281
- info@instruments.gr
- https://instruments.gr/
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